Permission Slip for YOU to enjoy more  creative PLAY!

A gift for you!

FREE pdf download of the first chapter of my gloriously coloured ART adorned BOOK.

Be inspired by the "behind the scenes" story of my life from ZERO creativity to my life immersed in creativity every day!

"I admire your prowress, your ability to be vulnerable and to share. I want to thank you for inspiring artists and regaling art appreciators all over the world. "

Elsa Bluethner Artist

What inspired readers are saying!

“I picked up your book yesterday. Wow, wow, wow. It’s beautiful, it’s authentic, it’s inspiring. Thank you so much. I love the little glass heart, I will think of you whenever I look at it . I’m very interested in your online class."

Sue D.

"I wanted to tell you that after diving in and reading LOTS of your book at first, I made myself stretch out the final chapters. You are a gifted writer. Your honest, vibrant story spoke to me and inspired me in so many ways! THANK YOU!! I keep revisiting it and re-reading the parts that I NEED the most right now, and finding bits that that I need to go deeper with, it is a treasure! "

Christy Wilson

“I have finished reading your book and really did not want it to end. A few times I was in tears thinking of your struggle but never giving up just working it through. Tammy you are such a BRAVE woman to be able to look at yourself and work through these anxieties."

Liz. C.

Sneak peak of pages in the freebie!


A self taught artist, Tammy Hudgeon's artwork is shown widely, both nationally and internationally.

Among her many honours and awards, Tammy is a two time B.C. Glass Art Award winner and has been cited for her contribution to her local arts community.

She loves to inspire and support others to engage with their own creativity!